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Re: about :: sign and % sign problems

From: Lin George
Subject: Re: about :: sign and % sign problems
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 06:06:26 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks Paul!
Cool answer! :-)
Do you also know the difference between :: and :? I can not understand what related parts of GNU make manual is talking about and there is also no samples in the manual dealing with this point.

"Paul D. Smith" <address@hidden> wrote:
%% John Graham-Cumming writes:

>> Another question, ";" means do nothing, why sometimes we still add some
>> commands after ;? (I mean, if do nothing, we should not add any commands
>> after ";").

jg> No, ; doesn't mean do nothing. ; means after this semicolon are
jg> commands that should be executed for this rule. If there are no
jg> commands then there are no commands to execute.

Put another way, this:

foo: ; echo foo

is just another way to write this:

echo foo

and so this:

foo: ;

is just another way to write this:


(an empty command)

Paul D. Smith Find some GNU make tips at:
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