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Re: @dircategory (Re: Translating Emacs manuals is of strategic importan

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: @dircategory (Re: Translating Emacs manuals is of strategic importance)
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 18:09:20 +0200

> Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 16:56:15 +0100
> From: Patrice Dumas <>
> Cc:,,
> > Having @anchor with the English node name will allow cross-manual
> > links to go to a translated manual if it exists, falling back to the
> > English manual: all it takes is try to find (when the
> > user's language is LANG) before falling back to  Whereas
> > cross-references with the translated manual could use the translated
> > node names instead.  This will also allow translators not to bother in
> > cross-references about translations of node names in other manuals:
> > they could simply use the English node names.
> The node name may be visible in the output, so if English node names are
> used they won't be in the translated manual language.  So I do not think
> that is it correct, in general, to use the English node names even if
> they link to the correct node in a translated manual with English node
> names as anchors.

Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying.  What do you mean by
"visible in the output"? which output?

The idea is to have the node names translated in the translated
manual, but to also have an @anchor for each such node with the
original English node name.  There will be no other use of the English
node names in the translated manual.

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