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Re: Math and the Emacs info viewer

From: Rahguzar
Subject: Re: Math and the Emacs info viewer
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 14:52:44 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.1; emacs 29.4

Patrice Dumas <> writes:

> On Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 02:24:55PM +0100, Gavin Smith wrote:
>> The first method, outputting the math as an image in Info as is already
>> possible, would require the image to be generated.  texi2any can already
>> generate images for @math/@displaymath in HTML output using either latex2html
>> or tex4ht (accessed with the HTML_MATH customization variable).  I expect
>> it would be straightforward to do something similar with Info output.
> That could be doable, but not straightforward as the latex2html or
> tex4ht output is HTML, which is included in texi2any generated HTML.  I
> do not know if it is possible to do images systematically.  Another
> issue is that (maybe) there could be more that one image for a math or
> displaymath.  If there was some software that do images and not HTML
> based on latex/tex it could be easier.

I think this is fairly straightforward to do using the latex standalone
class and then converting the produced document to an image using dvipng,
pdftoppm or dvisvgm. This approach is used by Emacs's sage integration
to display typeset output and I think other preview packages in Emacs
use it too. I think dvisvgm is the better route since those images can
scale better but high resolution bitmap images are also good enough.

I also think that at least in the beginning one image per
math/displaymath is good enough.


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