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Re: Emacs CVS, question regarding ticked, dormant, \Flagged with nnimap.

From: Bruno Hertz
Subject: Re: Emacs CVS, question regarding ticked, dormant, \Flagged with nnimap.
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 19:50:53 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

"Bruno Hertz" <> writes:

> Hi folks
> does anyone know why, when applying flags to an imap backend,
> flag addition and removal are applied in that order?
> Example: with nnimap-importantize-dormant enabled, if I enter
> a buffer that has ticked articles and change those ticks into
> dormant, on the imap side first (gnus-dormant \Flagged) is
> stored on those articles, but then (\Flagged) is removed due
> to removal of the tick, making importantize basically effectiveless.
> You probably guess the reason I ask, i.e. I want to maintain
> \Flagged cross-client, while hiding those articles upon entering
> a summary buffer at the same time.
> Sidenote: if you're about to recommend using (display . [unread])
> to hide ticked articles per default, let me just note that this
> doesn't work either.
> Hints mucho appreciated.
> Regards, Bruno.

Addition: the function in question seems to be gnus-update-marks,

        (when (and (gnus-check-backend-function
                    'request-set-mark gnus-newsgroup-name)
                   (not (gnus-article-unpropagatable-p (cdr type))))
          (let* ((old (cdr (assq (cdr type) (gnus-info-marks info))))
                 (del (gnus-remove-from-range (gnus-copy-sequence old) list))
                 (add (gnus-remove-from-range
                       (gnus-copy-sequence list) old)))
            (when add
              (push (list add 'add (list (cdr type))) delta-marks))
            (when del
              (push (list del 'del (list (cdr type))) delta-marks))))

which apparently is meant to work with any backend.

Still, anybody having an idea about whether exchanging add and del
might break anything?

Regards, Bruno.

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