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Re: bitstream vera sans mono ugly in gnus

From: Peter Petersen
Subject: Re: bitstream vera sans mono ugly in gnus
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 20:38:00 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Monnier <> writes:

>> Well, I miss the mouse a little bit and the normal menu bar, but hey, it
>> isn't a tragic loss... Anyway I had used emacs before on a text console,
>> so it is not that much of a learning process.
> Have you tried M-x xterm-mouse-mode ?
> It's not the same as the normal mouse support, but it's an OK approximation.

Hi, Stefan,

thanks for this hint, I didn't know about xterm-mouse-mode. It's better
than nothing, though the menu doesn't really work very well (whatever I
hit with my mouse (file, edit, options, buffers, tools...), I get the
same result as when I just use the keyboard.

Nevertheless, it is a step forward.

Next question:
I am not that well informed about gnus or emacs yet, how do I autoload
xterm-mouse-mode, what entry should there be in my .emacs?

thanks again

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