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[Jailkit-users] sftp fails when Jail user tries to login. 'Connection Cl

From: aravind kamath
Subject: [Jailkit-users] sftp fails when Jail user tries to login. 'Connection Closed'
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 16:43:38 +0530

Hi All,
I have tried using Jailkit version 'jailkit-2.15.tar.gz' on Ubuntu as well as SuSE 11.
I am trying to configure this machine as SFTP server where users can login to the Jail and add/del files to it.

I followed the instructions in the webpage http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/howtos_sftp_scp_only.html
On both the machines, I am not able to login to the jail with the jail users created.

I have followed below set of commands to install and configure Jailkit
  1. cd /opt
  2. sudo gunzip jailkit-2.15.tar.gz
  3. sudo tar -xvf jailkit-2.15.tar
  4. cd jailkit-2.15
  5. sudo ./configure
  6. cat INSTALL.txt
  7. sudo make
  8. sudo make install
  9. sudo cp extra/jailkit /etc/init.d/jailkit
  10. sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/jailkit
  11. sudo jk_init -j /opt/sftpjail jk_lsh
  12. sudo jk_init -j /opt/sftpjail sftp
  13. sudo jk_init -j /opt/sftpjail scp
  14. sudo useradd test
  15. sudo jk_jailuser -m -j /opt/sftpjail test
  16. sudo killall jk_socketd
  17. sudo jk_socketd

I then tried to login locally using below command
sftp address@hidden
Connecting to localhost...
address@hidden's password:
Connection closed

Content from jk_lsh.ini
susepc1 etc/jailkit> pwd

susepc1 etc/jailkit> cat jk_lsh.ini
## example for a user
paths= /usr/bin, /usr/lib/
executables= /usr/bin/scp, /usr/lib/sftp-server
#allow_word_expansion = 0
#umask = 002

##example for a group, there should be only 1 space inbetween the words!
#[group users]
#paths = /usr/bin
#executables = /usr/bin/cvs
#allow_word_expansion = 0
#environment= HELIX_PATH=/opt/RealPlayer/, TMP=/tmp/

The error I see is in /var/log/warn

jk_lsh[6961]: did neither find a section 'test', nor 'group users' nor 'DEFAULT' in configfile /etc/jailkit/jk_lsh.ini

I tried to google out a lot to figure out the issue. However it went in vain.

Not sure, why Jain user 'test' is not able to sftp to the Jail?
Can you help. I am not able to figure out the issue.

Thanks in advance


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