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[Koha-devel] Re: [Koha-bugs] Z39-50 client

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] Re: [Koha-bugs] Z39-50 client
Date: Thu May 26 05:03:06 2005
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041206)

Twily a écrit :
Koha was installed in a research laboratory - the LabSAD - at the
University of Grenoble, in order to create its library catalog.

At first, the Z39-50 client was not working at all (tests with
versions 2.0.2 & 2.2.2), although the installing process was followed
step by step - PERL5LIB export, etc...

After a long digging, a problem was discovered in this file : /usr/local/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/z3950/search.pl

Indeed, here is what is written line 60 : $random = rand(1000000000);
A float with 8 digits is included in the database, to identify the
Z39-50 request.
Later, only 4 digits remain. Since both numbers are not identical, the
request is stopped.

After replacing all $random = rand(1000000000); by $random = int(1000000000); , everything works perfectly.

Thank you to change this in future versions of Koha,
Caroline Naget and the LabSAD team

Thanks for your report. I'll take care of it. What is your platform (Perl version & other important things). Because it works perfectly for me for all my customers, that are on various linux, aix or solaris systems.

Note koha-bugs is usually only for automatic mailing from bugs.koha.org. So it would be better for another bugreport, either :
* reporting it on bugs.koha.org
* send a mail to koha-devel mailing list where developpers are speaking of dev problems.

Last note : n'hésitez pas à vous déclarer sur www.koha.org/wiki, KohaUsers (login & mot de passe sont indiqués dans la fenêtre qui vous les demande. C'est une mesure anti pourissement). Et n'hésitez pas à vous abonner et vous présenter sur la liste infos (www.koha-fr.org >> Aller plus loin >> Support >> Support communautaire). Vous y trouverez d'autres grenoblois (Wesford) et d'autres labos du CNRS (math, histoire,...) utilisant Koha. A très bientôt dons ;-)

Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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