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Re: [Koha-devel] Koha 3.0 success

From: Mason James
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Koha 3.0 success
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 12:31:40 +1300

On 2008/01/15, at 6:54 AM, Chadwick, John, DCA wrote:

A few more clues.
I have restarted the entire server a few times and each time I have had to create new /var/lock/koha/zebradb/bibilos and /var/lock/koha/zebradb/authorities directories.
I have also had to recreate the /var/run/koha/zebradb/bibliosocket and authoritysocket directories each restart.

Hi John,

Nearly there!! :), OK, so 2 issues here...

  === zebrasrv keeps restarting ===

are you running the zebra-daemon?, that will probably be the reason why your zebrasrv keeps restarting
you can check like this...

$ ps -ef | grep 'koha-zebra-ctl'

 8591 ?        Ss     0:00 daemon --name=koha-zebra-ctl --errlog=/home/chris/koha/var/log/koha-zebradaemon.err --stdout=/home/chris/koha/var/log/koha-zebradaemon.log --output=/home/chris/koha/var/log/koha-zebradaemon-output.log --verbose=1 --respawn --delay=30 --user=chris chris -- /usr/bin/zebrasrv -f /home/chris/koha/etc/koha-conf.xml

if its running, then kill it while you troubleshoot.

 === re-creating new /var/ dirs for zebra ===

I think you manually creating these files is causing problems

when zebrasrv sees these files  (/var/lock/koha/zebradb/* , and var/run/koha/zebradb/*socket) 
it assumes that another zebra process is already running and using those files, 
so it tries to start using tcp , not unix sockets. 

because those files exist, your zebra isnt starting correctly 

0:52:41-14/01 [log] zebra_start 2.0.22 /etc/koha/zebradb/zebra-biblios.cfg
10:52:41-14/01 [server] Adding dynamic listener on unix:/var/run/koha/zebradb/bibliosocket id=1
10:52:41-14/01 [fatal] Failed to bind to unix:/var/run/koha/zebradb/bibliosocket [File exists]       <<<<< FILE EXISTS
 10:52:41-14/01 [server] Adding dynamic listener on tcp:@:9999 id=0                         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< USING TCP, NOT SOCKETS
10:52:41-14/01 [server] Starting server zebrasrv pid=4784

try deleting those files, then starting zebrasrv again, and look for the 'Adding dynamic listener' lines during startup

$  zebrasrv -f /home/mtj/koha.single/etc/koha-conf.xml

19:23:45-13/01 [server] Adding dynamic listener on unix:/home/mtj/koha.single/var/run/zebradb/bibliosocket id=1     <<<<<< SUCCESS!!

19:23:45-13/01 [server] Adding dynamic listener on unix:/home/mtj/koha.single/var/run/zebradb/authoritysocket id=2  <<<<<< SUCCESS!!
19:23:45-13/01 [server] Starting server zebrasrv pid=11057

Cheers, Mason

Mason James                                address@hidden
Programmer                                         www.liblime.com
LibLime                                             +64 21 542 117

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