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Re: [Koha-devel] a so simple question

From: Galen Charlton
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] a so simple question
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 10:39:14 -0600


Currently authorities can be added in several ways:

1. From the web interface via authorities.pl
2. Via the batch job bulkauthimport.pl
3. Via automatic creation when a bib record is added via the
cataloging editor, if the BiblioAddsAuthorities system preference is

As far as I can tell, only the third approach currently links bib
headings to authority records.  I think at one time (and maybe even
now?) there was a batch job that would go through existing bibs and
existing authorities and link bib headings to authority records, but I
don't think it still exists or works.

I'm currently playing around with improving authority support,
particularly for MARC21, and will be posting some plans on koha-devel
later this week.



On 1/22/08, Ignacio Javier <address@hidden> wrote:
> Are authorities bound to bibliographic record insertions or are both
> completely independent?
> (I'm trying an authority search but results empty, and auth_header table
> seems empty too, so one might think be all done via manual insertion using
> authorities.pl)
> Greetings,
> Ignacio Javier
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Galen Charlton
Koha Application Developer
p: 1-888-564-2457 x709

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