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Re: Fwd: Which 90% of POSIX /is/ good then?

From: Alfred M\. Szmidt
Subject: Re: Fwd: Which 90% of POSIX /is/ good then?
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 19:32:21 +0200

   > If and only if one considers globally shared mutable namespaces
   > broken.  People with a lispish background don't.

   This is ironic, because this is precisely the reason why the Hurd
   is not a LispOS.

I never claimed that it should be a LispOS, even though I'd like that
it would be a bit more LispOSish.  Recall that LispOS was a
_single_user_ system, it wasn't a multiuser system (even though it
could be used as such, to some extent).

This is why I'm for the `each user has one global name-space' variant
(i.e. what exists today), but in addition to not being tied down by
the system administrator as to what can run on the system (like
drivers, file-systems, etc).

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