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Re: [Libcdio-devel] [PATCH 1/4] Add case insensitive _cdio_stricmp and _

From: Pete Batard
Subject: Re: [Libcdio-devel] [PATCH 1/4] Add case insensitive _cdio_stricmp and _cdio_strnicmp function calls
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2024 13:46:20 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Hi Rocky,

On 2024.01.28 23:37, Rocky Bernstein wrote:
With respect to this patch, the only nitpick I have is that we should add a
comment for the new functions, even if it is something as basic as "case
insensitive version of _cdio_strcmp / _cdio_strncmp" respectively.
I don't mind adding that as a commit after the patch in a git branch and
others can comment how well I do at getting the comment right.

I should be able to get this sorted in the next proposal I send.

Do I have it correct that this patch has no comments/controversy aside from
the small one I raised?

You would have been correct... if Thomas hadn't pointed out that the UEFI specs add an unofficial extension to El-Torito to handle the case of images that need to occupy more than 0xffff virtual sectors (i.e. images larger than 32 MB).

I think that both Thomas and I feel that this is important enough that the patch should be amended to cover that case.

Overall, I'd like to get those patches without any controversy into the
code soon.

Then please expect a v2 from me soon...ish (possibly right after this reply... or in the next few hours)

I am not 100% certain which ones have disputes in them. Is it
just Patch 2?

Yes, it's really just patch 2.

As for the cut and paste holdover typo in patch 2, sure I have no problem
in trying to fix, and again others can double check whether I got this

I'll fix this in v2.

As for the ones that are where there is some disagreement, I'd like to
narrow things down as much as possible.

If I have it correct, there were certain issues where there could be more
done, but Pete does not feel a need to do that, or what he calls the 1%
situation. A suggestion is to start with what Pete has since this is an
improvement and addresses a real need. Then if Thomas you have the
inclination and time to make more perfect, that can be done as a follow on.

As I understand it though, the main disagreement is about what the default
behavior should be. I don't see it that bad to start out one way and if
that becomes onerous switch to the other way though.

Thoughts and guidance here?

Well, I pretty much have a v2 ready that'll take care of the UEFI exception. I will comment however that I am going to continue to take deliberate shortcuts with this, to drastically reduce the amount of changes needed (and the amount of formal processing needed) to cover what I fully expect to be the 99.9% scenarios we will be faced with (mostly because, if I have to submit a patch that does formal parsing, you're not going to get that anytime soon).



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