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Re: [Libcdio-devel] [PATCH 1/4] Add case insensitive _cdio_stricmp and _

From: Pete Batard
Subject: Re: [Libcdio-devel] [PATCH 1/4] Add case insensitive _cdio_stricmp and _cdio_strnicmp function calls
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2024 15:47:07 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Hi Thomas,

On 2024.01.29 14:35, Thomas Schmitt via Libcdio-devel wrote:
- About all legacy PC-BIOS boot images of Linux installation ISOs will
   be shown with the recorded load size of 2048 bytes, although the
   file size of these images (x86 programs) is in the range of several
   dozen KiB.

And about all legacy PC-BIOS boot images are therefore deviating from the El Torito specs then, whereas this patchset concerns itself with El-Torito support.

- Some few EFI boot images of Linux installation ISOs will be shown with
   the recorded sizes of 0 or 512 bytes, which according to UEFI means
   "very large, assume it to reach up to the end of the device".
   The real size is the size of the FAT filesystem in such an image.
   This risk is avoided in v2 at the cost of the smaller risk of
   encountering a legacy PC-BIOS image of size 1. (That was the size of
   the image in the test ISO for v1.)

The actual risk is:
1. Encountering an image of size 1
2. That is the one image, from all the El Torito images, that has the the max LSN, but that doesn't reside at the end of the ISO. 3. On an ISO that has more than 32 MB of content after that LSN and the end of the ISO.

In other words, the current proposal will actually properly process images of size 1, unless you went out of your way to craft an ISO where you have a 512-byte El Torito image, that is not followed by anything else El Torito, but that you placed at the beginning of your media.

*Exceedingly* unlikely to happen with real life images, especially if you are using standard mastering software, that, obviously, has a *very vested interest* in always placing El Torito images at the end of the volume, so that they can handle the UEFI exception...

- Some few EFI boot images will be shown with size 32 MiB - 512 bytes,
   although they are actually larger. (That's a flaw of the ISO, though.)

Yes. As I said, if we believe it's important to handle this special completely out of specs case, we can easily do so.

- The intended audience firmware (Platform Id in El Torito: legacy BIOS
   or EFI) cannot be surely deduced from the presentation of the image
   files in the /boot pseudo-directory. One would have to guess from
   size and content.

Yes. But not doing so allows us to handle the UEFI "addendum" to the specs, as well as potentially people who, from seeing UEFI do it, decided to use 0 or 1 as a means to go over the 32 MB limit for non UEFI. Especially, if using 0 as a size, which would make for an invalid size if you follow the specs, it makes a lot of sense do disregard the platform id, and assume > 32 MB.

- New observation:
   I wonder about the uppercase/lowercase differences between the test ISO
   from patch 4 and a Debian netinst ISO:
     $ ./src/iso-info --no-header --quiet -l test/data/eltorito.iso
      - [LSN     26]       512 Jan 23 2024 13:25:09  0-boot-noemul.img
     $ ./src/iso-info --no-header --quiet -l debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso
       - [LSN   5863]      2048 Oct 07 2023 10:32:09  0-Boot-NoEmul.img
       - [LSN   1119]   9715712 Oct 07 2023 10:32:09  1-Boot-NoEmul.img
   The test ISO has no Rock Ridge or Joliet. Is that enough reason to
   flatten the pseudo-file names ?

libcdio internally flattens file names if Rock Ridge or Joliet is not used. Whether this is warranted or not is a different discussion.

   If so: Does this meet Pete's usage intentions ?

I'm just following the libcio constraints. I could have created a Joliet ISO, but decided it wasn't worth it.

[PATCH 3/4] Add --no-el-torito option to iso-info

- In my own projects i would rather disable the new feature by default
   and offer an option --el-torito.

*STRONGLY* disagree for the reasons I explained earlier.

People who have ever used 7-zip, and there are a lot of them, do expect El Torito images to be listed by default.

So, IMO, the principle of least surprise, when it comes to user experience, is to have El Torito extensions and virtual images enabled by default.

- New objection:
   The proposed ISO image is very unrealistic by the load size 1 of its
   only boot image.

As I mentioned earlier, it is designed to test the case where we have images that are not a multiple of ISO_BLOCKSIZE. And, when it comes to v2, it now also allows us to validate that we aren't over greedy with the auto-extension of images, which I see as a bonus.

Especially it does not test the use case which caused
   Pete to develop the patch set and which has chances to show realistic
   sizes: An EFI boot image, which contains a FAT filesystem.
   (One could make an ISO with a real isolinux.bin from Debian netinst ISO
    as legacy boot image of 38912 bytes and a minimal FAT filesystem as
    EFI boot image.)

Well, if anybody wants to expand on the El Torito testing, feel free to do so. I personally wouldn't mind having more images, but I am not planning to add these myself, and I very much see the current test image as something we do want to keep, for the reasons I explained above, where having a 521-byte image enables us to validate code paths we do want to validate.

Some of my objections are about design decisions. Pete strives for
compatibility with 7z rather than for exposing all El Torito aspects.

That's not correct. I strive to provide El Torito support with libcdio on a cost effective basis, and (AFAIK) since 7-zip did invent the concept of listing El Torito images as virtual images, I purposefully choose not to go on a "Not Invented Here" route, that is the plague of end users everywhere, and follow what 7-zip does in the process.

Further the patch knowingly risks wrong results.

And I'll be waiting for real life images that show wrong results, and amend the code then (but only then, since I do foresee that the current codeset will not actually cause issues unless you purposefully design ISOs to specifically make it break).



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