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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Community feedback is needed on whether Libreb

From: Leah Rowe
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Community feedback is needed on whether Libreboot should apply to re-join GNU
Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 06:09:42 +0100
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Hi Michael,

On 29/05/17 12:00, Michael Dorrington wrote:
> Hi Leah
> On the libreboot website, which I quoted in my previous email, you
> say: "I hope that I can prove to you all that I do wish to make
> amends for the damage".  Amends, not apologies.  The Collaborative
> International Dictionary of English says amends means:
> "Compensation for a loss or injury; recompense; reparation.".
> Manchester Free Software is part of the Free Software community and
> all you have for the damage you did us is "sorry".
> I leave it to list members to decide how reformed you are.

I understand and appreciate your feelings in this situation, but I
really am sorry I didn't attend your meeting and that I canceled at
such short notice, but something really did come up. If I could have
come to the meeting to do the talk, I would have done so.

Although I don't usually share details of my personal life, I will do
so in this case as it is necessary; shortly beforehand, one of my
friends was hospitalized and I had to go see them and I had other
concerns in my immediately family too. Everything happened at once and
after all that, I just didn't have time to travel to Manchester.

Your frustration is understandable, however, since you didn't know the

Barring any tragic events, I do indeed keep my word and show up to do
talks that I promise to do. Hell, I flew to USA 3 times (libreplanet
2015, FSF30, libreplanet 2016) to do talks about Libreboot; I missed
the 3rd one (libreplanet 2016 libreboot talk), because I was on a
train and it was running late, so I missed the talk (but 2 other
people did the talk in my place, in that event). I also showed up on
time to both FOSDEM talks that I did about Libreboot, in Belgium.

Manchester is not that far away by comparison. If I could have come, I
would have done but I'm telling you, I really couldn't have.

- -- 
Leah Rowe

Libreboot developer

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