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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 2538 in lilypond: LilyDev 3

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 2538 in lilypond: LilyDev 3
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 18:06:55 +0000

Comment #19 on issue 2538 by address@hidden: LilyDev 3

Well I did experiment with a 64 bit based on Raring Ringtail (13:04), but had random make doc failures. So I gave up on it - that was a few months ago - David's experience with 13:10 recently also didn't fill me with much hope.

So I have started again with 12:04 LTS (32bit as it seems to just work), the CG pretty much covers everything but you do need to manually download and make a more recent version of Fontforge (no big deal) and ditto Astyle.

Git seems to be in the repository (I also install gitk which makes my life easier frankly). But I could I guess download and make a later version of git but I don't know if it is worth it for the sake of the tedium of maintaining downloaded packages than ones in the repo.

The only annoyance is that with remastersys (the tool I use to make the ISOs) is that it is impossible to get the iso file much below 1.5GB. At least with a default install of ubuntu - even with the other Ubuntu flavours there is little in it.

Phil said that was OK to Host, but there comes a point where I guess the size of the download is such that it might be easier to simply download and follow the CG yourself to make your own build machine. I don't know how convenient LilyDev is - I know I use it all the time but I am still using the 10:04 one for Patchy and that is ticking along nicely.

Still I'll run with this 12:04 cut for a few more days and make sure I have the kinks ironed out.

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