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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 1823 in lilypond: Partcombine does not pick up

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 1823 in lilypond: Partcombine does not pick up quoted notes
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 03:59:00 +0000

Comment #1 on issue 1823 by address@hidden: Partcombine does not pick up quoted notes

\partcombine does a complete iteration of the expression so it would make some sense if it did the equivalent of
\addQuote "A" {c' d' e' f' c' d' e' f'}
\partcombine {c'1 #(ly:score-music #{ \score { { \quoteDuring "A" s1 } } #})}
             {g1 g1}
However, since \partcombine is a music construct that is executed independent of any later iteration, this construct will have the timing of the quote be respective to the start of \partcombine rather than the start of the resulting music.

So realistically this could only be made to work if \partcombine also did its work at the scorification stage, after quotes have been expanded. This would also have the advantage of not requiring a separate global context and iteration, and the disadvantage of being a really big change.

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