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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 1823 in lilypond: Partcombine does not pick up

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 1823 in lilypond: Partcombine does not pick up quoted notes
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 07:53:30 +0000

Comment #4 on issue 1823 by address@hidden: Partcombine does not pick up quoted notes

Ah yes, I think I remember: the actual QuoteMusic events are not replaced by either \partcombine nor scorifying but stay in the score and make it into final iteration (where the second scorification will correct their timing).

The problem is that the part combiner decisions are made based on the first scorification, so the switches to solo, unisono, a2 and so on will all be based on a time-shifted fantasy: the partcombiner also does not replace the original music (or its generated events) but rather adds his own part combine switching events into it.

And those will be based on a wrong picture of the quoted music. So if I replace the first two notes in the flute passage with a half rest. Nope, that isn't it either.


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