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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3574 in lilypond: convert-ly fails to handle \

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3574 in lilypond: convert-ly fails to handle \bracketCloseSymbol
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 05:10:43 +0000

Comment #6 on issue 3574 by address@hidden: convert-ly fails to handle \bracketCloseSymbol

    fooMusic = { c8[ c-\tag #'foo-cue \bracketCloseSymbol c c] }
With your recent changes, it is sufficient to write
    fooMusic = { c8[ c-\tag #'foo-cue ] c c] }
since unbalanced [ ] no longer cause a syntax error per se.

[] were never balanced syntactically (or at least I'd be surprised if they were pre-2.0: even then it would have made things much harder). The above (admittedly having replaced #foo-cue with #'foo-cue, a totally unrelated misspelling) works for 2.16, quite likely also for 2.14.

Sounds like the "workaround" worked around something entirely unrelated, like a typo elsewhere.

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