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Re: lynx-dev URL connection

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: lynx-dev URL connection
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 11:21:48 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Richard Johnson wrote:

> When trying to connect to an URL using Lynx 2.8.2, the
> message "Alert! unable to connect to remote host" appears momentarily.
> I have Linux 5.1 installed and running on a i486 with 8M of RAM. Module PPP
> is installed via the command 'modprobe' and verified with 'lsmod'. Dial up
> to my IP is via 'ifup ppp0' and verified by 'ifconfig'. I ping my IP
> successfully. What more is needed to connect Lynx to my IP which is
>, a service provider.

Can you ping other hosts by address?

Does DNS lookup of hostnames work?  (try dig or nslookup).

Do other client programs work - telnet, ftp?

> Thank you for any help you can give a Linux novice.

If it's not a lynx-specific problem, you should consult
the usual documentation - HOWTOs, whatever setup instructions
came with your distribution.


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