From: | Janis Gailis |
Subject: | [Masterlibre-list] Proposal for a strategy for European Master on Libre Software at AUC, v2004-02-09 |
Date: | Mon, 09 Feb 2004 22:21:02 +0100 |
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Hei, og takk for et godt innlegg, Nils!Slik jeg forsto det, ble vi enige om å (eller kanskje rettere sagt, vi snakket om å) utforme et strategisk dokument, som kan brukes når man representerer Høgskolen i Agder i et internasjonalt fora, som, f. eks. Masterlibre samarbeidet.
Ved å ta utgangspunkt i det Nils har skrevet og i mine samtaler med Mikael, setter jeg opp en liste av overskrifter ("headlines", "keywords"), som jeg gjerne vil at dere kommenterer før jeg utformer dette strategiske dokumentet jeg nevnte ovenfor (denne meldingen ble noe lang, men jeg vil be dere å kommentere mellom linjene, slik at det blir lettere for meg å administrere dette). Dere kan selvfølgelig legge til flere overskrifter. Som et utgangspunkt foreslår jeg disse overskrifter:
- Questions to be answered (just ad hoc by me)- Proposed scenarios (for implementation of subjects related to European Master on Libre Software (EMoLS)
- Funding - Legislative issues / regulations / strategic plans - Interesting? (smth I found during my research / surfing) *** Questions to be answered?Are there some surveys, reports or other "convincing" material about demand in market for this type of competence? (Nils have provided the results from our survey and I have some material too, please provide more)
What the prerequisits should be? (should the students with non-ICT background be able to apply)
Technical requirements to realize the studies? Is this important in this phase?
What kind of tasks (profession) an EMoLS should be able to realize? Comment (Janis):One thing is clear, we are talking about highly multidisciplinary (at least in the traditional taxonomy of academic disciplines) studies here. Does smbd knows about the similar cases that are implemented?
*** Proposed scenariosSCENARIO 1: Subjects from EMoLS given as electives inside the existing master programs in Kristiansand (ISMASTER 2003, Informasjonssystemer, mastergradsstudium, se program for start høsten 2003, http://www.hia.no/studiehandbok/03/studieplaner/oksam/oksamp13.php)and/or in Grimstad (IKTMASTER 2003, master i teknologi i IKT, toårig påbyggingsstudium, se start høsten 2003, http://www.hia.no/studiehandbok/03/studieplaner/teknologi/teknologip6.php )
SCENARIO 2: Changes of the core subjects of the existing master programs at AUC (ISMASTER (2003) and IKTMASTER (2003)) so the essential subjects from EMoLS are covered.
SCENARIO 3: EMoLS related courses given at sommertime (sommer school concept).
SCENARIO 4: Application for EMoLS as an independent master degree. ??? *** FundingQuestion about how to fund the EMoLS has been raised in several forums, such as Masterlibre mail-list and meeting for Center For Open Source (CFOS) at Agder University College (AUC). How we at AUC should act to obtain fundig for EMoLS? I propose some actions, and you people, please comment those and add new ones.
ACTION 1: We work for an application for funding from Erasmus Mundus program in the cooperation with other universities and university colleges involved.
ACTION 2: We are doing research on possible fundings ourselves, based on our national and international contacts (as proposed in CFOS's meeting 2004-01-21: Senter for internasjonalisering av høgre utdanning (SIU), Norwegian governmental institutions, companies such as Biblioteksystemer as, Linpro, NextNet, others ???).
ACTION 3: We are working on proposal for use of some "internal" (at AUC) resources for the realization of a complete or partly program for EMoLS (see proposed scenarios)
General comment (Janis):I think we should put the emphasis on the work for an application for an independent program for EMoLS. To succeed, we have to use the bureaucratic system first at AUC, then at higher levels, if necessary. Our main objective should be to get the EMoLS accepted as a legal master degree at AUC.
*** Legislative issues / regulations / strategic plansBologna declaration of course is a nice "thing", but, I am afraid that the realization of the ideas described there is a quite different issue. I think that we should try to find out what have been done regarding Bologna declaration at HiA and at the national level (Universitets- og Høgskolerådet, other bureaucratic orgs ??? please suggest).
Here is that I found after looking half an hour on AUC's site: ECTS credits and grades at AUC http://www.hia.no/ects/03/general/agderuniversity/ECTSAgder_University_College2810p3.php As we see here, we can actually give courses of 5 ECTS credits.Degrees offered by AUC: http://www.hia.no/ects/03/general/agderuniversity/ECTSAgder_University_College2810p7.php
As speaking about our possibilities to go for an independent master program for EMoLS accepted by AUC, I found an "styrevedtak" from meeting in the AUC's board at 19th of June 2002 (http://www.hia.no/kr/styrevedtak.php3) on Internationalisation. Se in "vedtak 3":
"Det skal utarbeides en startegisk plan for internasjonalisering ved høgskolen bl.a. med utgangspunkt i anbefalingene fra referansegruppa (for kvalitetsrefomen; mitt kommentar). Forslag til strategisk plan legges frem for styret.... etc."
I would like to find this "strategisk plan" here in the system. Maybe it can be used to get smth. happen here, I don't know. A person that seems to be important in the internationalization process at AUC is ECTS Institutional Coordinator Svein Arild Pedersen. I'll speak with him. Maybe you, Calle and Stein, do know smth about "strategisk plan for internajonalisering"?
I provide links to documents related to "Universitets- og Høgskolerådet" describing the policy about giving master degrees of 90 ECTS credits (one of the question raised at our meeting in Grimstad 2004-02-04):
http://www.uhr.no/sentraledokument/saerutskrifter/ForskriftommastergraderS3402.htm http://www.hive.no/adm/styret/saker/m2003-2/03-21vedlegg-mastergraden.htmI think we should raise a question to the "Universitets- og Høgskolerådet" and/or SIU about how to proceed in this situation. I can contact the SIU; does someone of you have some relationship to the "Universitets- og Høgskolerådet"?
*** Interesting?Seminar in Brussels, 2004-03-12, "The seminar will provide the latest information on, and analysis of, the Bologna and Lisbon Processes, as well as on the reform of Socrates and Leonardo currently in the planning, as well as on the just-adopted Erasmus Mundus Programme."
Please take some time and give me feedback asap! Janis Nils Ulltveit-Moe wrote:
Hi Jesus We discussed the Master in Libre Software in a meeting at HIA in Norway last Wednesday, and we still have a way to go until management at the University College is convinced, and funding was one of the objections. If this could be done via Erasmus Mundus, then this isreally good news!Most other objections were practical matters, like how to deal with different study terms The Nordic countries have two course termins - the first starts in August and ends at Christmas, and the second starts in January and ends in June. This is maybe different to your course termins? Other objections were that the Masterlibre course had more, and smaller subjects on 3-4 credits, whereas HIA try to standardise on 10 credit subjects. Another practical issue, is that for now, it would be easier to work in subjects from the Masterlibre course into existing Master studies in ICT than getting another Master degree accepted by the authorities. To work the courses into our modules might meansequencing a string of courses into one module.Getting the Master in Libre Software accepted would take more time than adjusting existing courses, but if the Master study was accepted as it is presented here, then many of the practical issues may be lessproblematic.We did a poll during Installuken2004, which is a local Linux and Open Source conference about the interest for an International Master study in Open Source. The students could choose from 1 (least interesting) to 6 (most interesting). We also added some other subjects, and polled some other factors, like the interest for international students exchange. We got 20 replies, and one company that wanted to support us. The results are: 5,6 Security 5,35 Master thesis 5,3 Courses given by famous, international experts 5 System administration 5 Configuration management, version control and cooperation 4,95 Advanced project development 4,95 General experiences related to libre software (multidiciplinary) 4,95 Possibility to take the course via distance learning 4,95 Development environment and tools 4,9 Standards (e.g. HTTP, XML or video formats) 4,9 International student exchange 4,9 Programming languages and language theory 4,85 Software architecture and software engineering 4,8 Advanced operating system theory 4,75 Introduction to Open Source software 4,65 Case studies (analysis of Open Source projects, companies,organisations.) 4,65 Project management of collaborative Open Source projects4,63 Web systems 4,58 Embedded systems 4,58 Possibility to take intensive courses at other universities 4,55 Legal matters, licences, legislation, intellectual rights 4,5 Database systems, database architecture 4,5 Compiler systems 4,45 Distributed systems 4,3 Office system architecture, standards and programming 4,25 Distributed course with IT semesters in Grimstad and ISsemesters in Kristiansand. 4,1 Economy and business models4 Sociology and ethics motivation, organisations etc. 3,95 Multimedia 3,55 Mathematical tools Conclusion: All subjects are more than average interesting for the students. The students attending the conference were mostly computer engineering students, so they seem to prefer the techical aspects to business, economy, law, sociology and math. However, since we advertised with Linux in developing countries in a newspaper ad for the arrangement, we actually got some women attending that came for that sole reason, so focusing on the right subjects may recruit more women to technical studies. As another side note, we have already got our first student, a Danish man, provided that we get the course up andrunning.We will also like to suggest some new subjects for the Master in Libre Software: - Open Source in e-government and development aid. - Mobile Systems based on Open Source. Mvh. Nils Ulltveit-Moe "Jesus M. " Gonzalez-Barahona writes: > Hi,> > I've been exploring some opportunities for helping to fund the master> program. In addition to institutions and companies which could be > interested in it, there is a rather interesting program which the EC is > (probably) starting in a couple of months: Erasmus Mundus. See> > http://www3.socleoyouth.be/static/en/info/eras_mundus.htm > > http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/mundus/index_en.html > > In my opinion, this program seems to be written exactly for a master> like ours. I've been told that first call will be probably launched in > late March.> > In addition, there are some programs related to Socrates which could be> interested in our "mixed" learning activities (partly in-place, partly > distance). I'll give you more info about this when I have something more > detailed.> > In case some of you is familiar with these (or other suitable) programs,> let me know. In case some of you want to help to find opportunities for> financing, please go ahead. > > Saludos, > > Jesus. > > -- > Contribute to keep Europe free of software patents!> EuropeSwPatentFree - http://EuropeSwPatentFree.hispalinux.es > ----- > Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Grupo de Sistemas y > Comunicaciones > address@hidden / address@hidden | ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan> Carlos > tel: +34 91 664 74 67 | c/ Tulipan s/n> fax: +34 91 488 70 49 | 28933 Mostoles, Spain> > > > _______________________________________________> Masterlibre-list mailing list > address@hidden > http://mail.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/masterlibre-list> >
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