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Re: [Masterlibre-list] Proposal for a strategy for European Master on Li
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roberto |
Subject: |
Re: [Masterlibre-list] Proposal for a strategy for European Master on Libre Software at AUC, v2004-02-09 |
Date: |
Thu, 12 Feb 2004 10:10:13 +0100 |
Dear Janis,
sorry for entering late in this thread, but, yes, I have some examples
at hand of curricula that may be interesting to compare with:
i) in Pisa, a proposal for a Master in Open Source management has been
redacted and will probably be in production next year: basically, is
is 1/3 computer science, 1/3 economics and 1/3 law
ii) here in Paris, at Ecole Centrale (a private university) there is
a Master in Open System Engineering (see www.msio.ecp.fr)
And I do believe there is an increasing market demand for this kind of
new professionals, even if I do not knw how to collect formal evidence
in a short period...
>>>>> "Janis" == Janis Gailis <address@hidden> writes:
Janis> Hei, og takk for et godt innlegg, Nils! Slik jeg forsto det, ble vi
Janis> enige om å (eller kanskje rettere sagt, vi snakket om å) utforme et
Janis> strategisk dokument, som kan brukes når man representerer Høgskolen i
Janis> Agder i et internasjonalt fora, som, f. eks. Masterlibre samarbeidet.
Janis> Ved å ta utgangspunkt i det Nils har skrevet og i mine samtaler med
Janis> Mikael, setter jeg opp en liste av overskrifter ("headlines",
Janis> "keywords"), som jeg gjerne vil at dere kommenterer før jeg utformer
Janis> dette strategiske dokumentet jeg nevnte ovenfor (denne meldingen ble
Janis> noe lang, men jeg vil be dere å kommentere mellom linjene, slik at
Janis> det blir lettere for meg å administrere dette). Dere kan selvfølgelig
Janis> legge til flere overskrifter. Som et utgangspunkt foreslår jeg disse
Janis> overskrifter:
Janis> - Questions to be answered (just ad hoc by me) - Proposed scenarios
Janis> (for implementation of subjects related to European Master on Libre
Janis> Software (EMoLS) - Funding - Legislative issues / regulations /
Janis> strategic plans - Interesting? (smth I found during my research /
Janis> surfing)
Janis> *** Questions to be answered?
Janis> Are there some surveys, reports or other "convincing" material about
Janis> demand in market for this type of competence? (Nils have provided the
Janis> results from our survey and I have some material too, please provide
Janis> more)
Janis> What the prerequisits should be? (should the students with non-ICT
Janis> background be able to apply)
Janis> Technical requirements to realize the studies? Is this important in
Janis> this phase?
Janis> What kind of tasks (profession) an EMoLS should be able to realize?
Janis> Comment (Janis): One thing is clear, we are talking about highly
Janis> multidisciplinary (at least in the traditional taxonomy of academic
Janis> disciplines) studies here. Does smbd knows about the similar cases
Janis> that are implemented?
Janis> *** Proposed scenarios
Janis> SCENARIO 1: Subjects from EMoLS given as electives inside the
Janis> existing master programs in Kristiansand (ISMASTER 2003,
Janis> Informasjonssystemer, mastergradsstudium, se program for start høsten
Janis> 2003,
Janis> in Grimstad (IKTMASTER 2003, master i teknologi i IKT, toårig
Janis> påbyggingsstudium, se start høsten 2003,
Janis> )
Janis> SCENARIO 2: Changes of the core subjects of the existing master
Janis> programs at AUC (ISMASTER (2003) and IKTMASTER (2003)) so the
Janis> essential subjects from EMoLS are covered.
Janis> SCENARIO 3: EMoLS related courses given at sommertime (sommer school
Janis> concept).
Janis> SCENARIO 4: Application for EMoLS as an independent master degree.
Janis> ???
Janis> *** Funding
Janis> Question about how to fund the EMoLS has been raised in several
Janis> forums, such as Masterlibre mail-list and meeting for Center For Open
Janis> Source (CFOS) at Agder University College (AUC). How we at AUC should
Janis> act to obtain fundig for EMoLS? I propose some actions, and you
Janis> people, please comment those and add new ones.
Janis> ACTION 1: We work for an application for funding from Erasmus Mundus
Janis> program in the cooperation with other universities and university
Janis> colleges involved.
Janis> ACTION 2: We are doing research on possible fundings ourselves, based
Janis> on our national and international contacts (as proposed in CFOS's
Janis> meeting 2004-01-21: Senter for internasjonalisering av høgre
Janis> utdanning (SIU), Norwegian governmental institutions, companies such
Janis> as Biblioteksystemer as, Linpro, NextNet, others ???).
Janis> ACTION 3: We are working on proposal for use of some "internal" (at
Janis> AUC) resources for the realization of a complete or partly program
Janis> for EMoLS (see proposed scenarios)
Janis> General comment (Janis): I think we should put the emphasis on the
Janis> work for an application for an independent program for EMoLS. To
Janis> succeed, we have to use the bureaucratic system first at AUC, then at
Janis> higher levels, if necessary. Our main objective should be to get the
Janis> EMoLS accepted as a legal master degree at AUC.
Janis> *** Legislative issues / regulations / strategic plans
Janis> Bologna declaration of course is a nice "thing", but, I am afraid
Janis> that the realization of the ideas described there is a quite
Janis> different issue. I think that we should try to find out what have
Janis> been done regarding Bologna declaration at HiA and at the national
Janis> level (Universitets- og Høgskolerådet, other bureaucratic orgs ???
Janis> please suggest).
Janis> Here is that I found after looking half an hour on AUC's site:
Janis> ECTS credits and grades at AUC
Janis> As we see here, we can actually give courses of 5 ECTS credits.
Janis> Degrees offered by AUC:
Janis> As speaking about our possibilities to go for an independent master
Janis> program for EMoLS accepted by AUC, I found an "styrevedtak" from
Janis> meeting in the AUC's board at 19th of June 2002
Janis> (http://www.hia.no/kr/styrevedtak.php3) on Internationalisation. Se
Janis> in "vedtak 3":
Janis> "Det skal utarbeides en startegisk plan for internasjonalisering ved
Janis> høgskolen bl.a. med utgangspunkt i anbefalingene fra referansegruppa
Janis> (for kvalitetsrefomen; mitt kommentar). Forslag til strategisk plan
Janis> legges frem for styret.... etc."
Janis> I would like to find this "strategisk plan" here in the system. Maybe
Janis> it can be used to get smth. happen here, I don't know. A person that
Janis> seems to be important in the internationalization process at AUC is
Janis> ECTS Institutional Coordinator Svein Arild Pedersen. I'll speak with
Janis> him. Maybe you, Calle and Stein, do know smth about "strategisk plan
Janis> for internajonalisering"?
Janis> I provide links to documents related to "Universitets- og
Janis> Høgskolerådet" describing the policy about giving master degrees of
Janis> 90 ECTS credits (one of the question raised at our meeting in
Janis> Grimstad 2004-02-04):
Janis> I think we should raise a question to the "Universitets- og
Janis> Høgskolerådet" and/or SIU about how to proceed in this situation. I
Janis> can contact the SIU; does someone of you have some relationship to
Janis> the "Universitets- og Høgskolerådet"?
Janis> *** Interesting?
Janis> Seminar in Brussels, 2004-03-12, "The seminar will provide the latest
Janis> information on, and analysis of, the Bologna and Lisbon Processes, as
Janis> well as on the reform of Socrates and Leonardo currently in the
Janis> planning, as well as on the just-adopted Erasmus Mundus Programme."
Janis> Please take some time and give me feedback asap!
Janis> Janis
Janis> Nils Ulltveit-Moe wrote:
>> Hi Jesus
>> We discussed the Master in Libre Software in a meeting at HIA in Norway
>> last Wednesday, and we still have a way to go until management at the
>> University College is convinced, and funding was one of the
>> objections. If this could be done via Erasmus Mundus, then this is really
>> good news!
>> Most other objections were practical matters, like how to deal with
>> different study terms The Nordic countries have two course termins - the
>> first starts in August and ends at Christmas, and the second starts in
>> January and ends in June. This is maybe different to your course
>> Other objections were that the Masterlibre course had more, and smaller
>> subjects on 3-4 credits, whereas HIA try to standardise on 10 credit
>> subjects. Another practical issue, is that for now, it would be easier to
>> work in subjects from the Masterlibre course into existing Master studies
>> in ICT than getting another Master degree accepted by the authorities. To
>> work the courses into our modules might mean sequencing a string of
>> courses into one module.
>> Getting the Master in Libre Software accepted would take more time than
>> adjusting existing courses, but if the Master study was accepted as it is
>> presented here, then many of the practical issues may be less
>> problematic.
>> We did a poll during Installuken2004, which is a local Linux and Open
>> Source conference about the interest for an International Master study in
>> Open Source. The students could choose from 1 (least interesting) to 6
>> (most interesting). We also added some other subjects, and polled some
>> other factors, like the interest for international students exchange. We
>> got 20 replies, and one company that wanted to support us.
>> The results are:
>> 5,6 Security 5,35 Master thesis 5,3 Courses given by famous,
>> international experts 5 System administration 5 Configuration management,
>> version control and cooperation 4,95 Advanced project development 4,95
>> General experiences related to libre software (multidiciplinary) 4,95
>> Possibility to take the course via distance learning 4,95 Development
>> environment and tools 4,9 Standards (e.g. HTTP, XML or video formats) 4,9
>> International student exchange 4,9 Programming languages and language
>> theory 4,85 Software architecture and software engineering 4,8 Advanced
>> operating system theory 4,75 Introduction to Open Source software 4,65
>> Case studies (analysis of Open Source projects, companies,
>> organisations.) 4,65 Project management of collaborative Open Source
>> projects 4,63 Web systems 4,58 Embedded systems 4,58 Possibility to take
>> intensive courses at other universities 4,55 Legal matters, licences,
>> legislation, intellectual rights 4,5 Database systems, database
>> architecture 4,5 Compiler systems 4,45 Distributed systems 4,3 Office
>> system architecture, standards and programming 4,25 Distributed course
>> with IT semesters in Grimstad and IS semesters in Kristiansand. 4,1
>> Economy and business models 4 Sociology and ethics motivation,
>> organisations etc. 3,95 Multimedia 3,55 Mathematical tools
>> Conclusion: All subjects are more than average interesting for the
>> students. The students attending the conference were mostly computer
>> engineering students, so they seem to prefer the techical aspects to
>> business, economy, law, sociology and math. However, since we advertised
>> with Linux in developing countries in a newspaper ad for the arrangement,
>> we actually got some women attending that came for that sole reason, so
>> focusing on the right subjects may recruit more women to technical
>> studies. As another side note, we have already got our first student, a
>> Danish man, provided that we get the course up and running.
>> We will also like to suggest some new subjects for the Master in Libre
>> Software:
>> - Open Source in e-government and development aid. - Mobile Systems
>> based on Open Source.
>> Mvh. Nils Ulltveit-Moe
>> "Jesus M. " Gonzalez-Barahona writes: > Hi,
>> >
>> > I've been exploring some opportunities for helping to fund the master >
>> program. In addition to institutions and companies which could be >
>> interested in it, there is a rather interesting program which the EC is >
>> (probably) starting in a couple of months: Erasmus Mundus. See
>> >
>> > http://www3.socleoyouth.be/static/en/info/eras_mundus.htm
>> >
>> > http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/mundus/index_en.html
>> >
>> > In my opinion, this program seems to be written exactly for a master >
>> like ours. I've been told that first call will be probably launched in >
>> late March.
>> >
>> > In addition, there are some programs related to Socrates which could be
>> > interested in our "mixed" learning activities (partly in-place, partly
>> > distance). I'll give you more info about this when I have something
>> more > detailed.
>> >
>> > In case some of you is familiar with these (or other suitable)
>> programs, > let me know. In case some of you want to help to find
>> opportunities for > financing, please go ahead.
>> >
>> > Saludos,
>> >
>> > Jesus.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Contribute to keep Europe free of software patents! >
>> EuropeSwPatentFree - http://EuropeSwPatentFree.hispalinux.es
>> > -----
>> > Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Grupo de Sistemas y > Comunicaciones >
>> address@hidden / address@hidden | ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan >
>> Carlos > tel: +34 91 664 74 67 | c/ Tulipan s/n > fax: +34 91 488 70 49 |
>> 28933 Mostoles, Spain
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________ > Masterlibre-list
>> mailing list > address@hidden >
>> http://mail.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/masterlibre-list
>> >
>> >
Janis> _______________________________________________ Masterlibre-list
Janis> mailing list address@hidden
Janis> http://mail.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/masterlibre-list
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