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Re: [Masterlibre-list] MoLOS Status in the countries?

From: David Megias
Subject: Re: [Masterlibre-list] MoLOS Status in the countries?
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 18:34:28 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)

Hi Anne and all,

En/na Anne Østergaard ha escrit:
You can find more info (in Spanish) about this programme at our website:

but it has not been updated yet to the new 60 ECTS structure.

Thank you very much David and congratulations.

Thank you!!!

I can recommend studying the above link. Spanish is not that hard to

This looks like a big step forward (for all of us) that the education is
now officially recognised by the Spanish Ministry of Education and

This means that we can start negotiations with our national ministries
and that we have at least one solid precedence case story!

Yes, that would be great.

Anything in the Spanish medias on this yet?

It has been published in a few newspapers. I can ask for the exact references if you need them.

Any other cases on their way in Latin America? I know that you travel
frequently to give advise and tell about experienses.

In Latin America we have two agreements:

- With the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (Colombia). They are offering our Master programme jointly with us (the UOC) and the degree is officially recognised by the Colombian government. In fact, it was official in Colombia before than in Spain. The first few Colombian students start the courses in April this year.

- With the Ministry of Science and Technology of Venezuela. The UOC will provide the Master programme to Venezuelan students in a distance learning basis. The agreement has not been signed yet, but it is in the final stage.

Best regards,


   David Megias, PhD

   Estudis d'Informatica, Multimedia i Telecomunicacions
   Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
   Rambla del Poblenou, 156
   08018 Barcelona

   Tel: (+34) 933 263 735
   Fax: (+34) 933 568 822

   E-mail: address@hidden, address@hidden

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