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Re: [Masterlibre-list] MoLOS Status in the countries?

From: Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona
Subject: Re: [Masterlibre-list] MoLOS Status in the countries?
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 00:43:11 +0100

Hi, Anne,

We are URJC have been a bit stuck on this matter for internal reasons.
Hopefully, we are back on track, and will be proposing an unofficial
master for next academic year (but it has not been officially aproved by
the University yet).



On Mon, 2006-03-20 at 13:20 +0100, Anne Østergaard wrote:
> MoLOS Status in the countries?
> Dear list members 
> I feel that it is time to re-new our overview over universities where
> the full Master Libre is offered to students and as supplementary
> courses to other interested parties such as company employees.
> If you could please send about 8 lines on the present status at your
> university mentioning the courses being offered and when they started
> and possibly links to more information on your university websites in
> English or of course in your local language.
> If possible within one week. For use at the "Autour du Libre" Conference
> in Brest.
> You might even have some evaluation material available?
> I know that a very extensive MoLOS curriculum exists in Spanish. Is it
> online now in full or partly?
> We have had important Libre education experiences in a number of
> countries: Spain, Italy, UK, France, Norway and Sweden and in a number
> of Spanish speaking countries in Latin America etc. (Please forgive me
> if I forgot some countries. Korea and Japan your experiences?)
> I think that Janis Gailis came up with the idea of making some sort of
> investigation and a list of how much Libre Software and how much Libre
> Software Education Courses were already a reality in various parts of
> the world.
> Actually it would be interesting to know how many universities were at
> the moment using Libre Software and to which degree. Is it possible for
> students to use only free software in correspondence with their
> university? Can they sign up for courses and deliver their reports using
> free programs?
> At the moment the dialog is going on, on whether open standards such as
> the ODF and others should be voluntary or a part of the specifications
> that must to be met when software is being purchased by state agencies
> for there correspondence with their citysens etc.
> If the use of open standards were mandatory it would not be so risky for
> universities to migrate to other free or proprietary applications- they
> could even use a mix of both kinds of software if so wanted provided
> that the programs were interoperable. 
> Best wishes
> Anne
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Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona        | GSyC (DITTE)
Edificio Departamental II (ESCET) | address@hidden / address@hidden
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos       | tel: +34 91 664 74 67
c/ Tulipan s/n                    | fax: +34 91 664 74 94
28933 Mostoles, Spain

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