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Re: [Proposal] control storage systems

From: Rory Toma
Subject: Re: [Proposal] control storage systems
Date: 09 Oct 2002 11:31:46 -0700

This sounds good, and is easy to do. I can do this. We'll also want to
be able to monitor inodes, as well.

I might punt on the "remove temp files". I think it would be better to
have a hook into allowing a script to be executed or nothing at all.

On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 10:47, Jan-Henrik Haukeland wrote:
> I read that IBM plans for its management software, Tivoli, to support
> monitoring of file/storage systems.
> This seems like an interesting idea for monit as well, kind of a next
> natural evolutionary step for monit's ability. From the top off my
> head I was thinking along the lines in the monit controlfile:
>  if filesystem /usr/doc/* is > 90% then alert address@hidden
>  if filesystem /dev/hda1 > 90% then alert address@hidden
>  if filesystem /dev/hda1 > 90% then 
>    remove temporary files {*.bak, core, *.trc, *.tmp, *~ }
>  Other suggestions?
> What do you think?
> -- 
> Jan-Henrik Haukeland
> --
> To unsubscribe:
Rory Toma               address@hidden
VP of Run Level 5
Digeo Digital 

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