Normally, when I ask monit for status, I get this...
address@hidden:~# monit summary
monit: cannot read status from the monit daemon
This happens constantly and is frustrating and useless.
When I do get data, it tells me something like this...
Process 'rails_mongrel_9200' Execution failed
Process 'rails_mongrel_9201' Execution failed
Process 'rails_job' running
Process 'rails_mailer' Execution failed
uhh...not quite, if I ps, all the processes are running, all the pids
are there, everything is fine.
When I ask monit to start/stop by group, it usually ignores me.
All these monit features, and to me, the basics are not even right.
I am running Ubuntu Feisty server with the apt-get monit installed,
so I did not screw anything up in the build/install.
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