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Re: is monit just a pain in the arse or what ?

From: Alexey Zilber
Subject: Re: is monit just a pain in the arse or what ?
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 17:04:29 -0400

I get this occasionally as well.  Two different system, same OS, one works fine, one does what you just described.  Both installed via the same rpm.

Is there perhaps some resource or status file that monit maybe doesn't have permission to access?


On 7/26/07, andrew taylor <address@hidden> wrote:
Normally, when I ask monit for status, I get this...

address@hidden:~# monit summary
monit: cannot read status from the monit daemon

This happens constantly and is frustrating and useless.

When I do get data, it tells me something like this...

Process 'rails_mongrel_9200' Execution failed
Process 'rails_mongrel_9201' Execution failed
Process 'rails_job' running
Process 'rails_mailer' Execution failed

uhh...not quite, if I ps, all the processes are running, all the pids
are there, everything is fine.

When I ask monit to start/stop by group, it usually ignores me.

All these monit features, and to me, the basics are not even right.

I am running Ubuntu Feisty server with the apt-get monit installed, so I
did not screw anything up in the build/install.

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