On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Christopher Opena
<address@hidden> wrote:
Hello all, just a quick question about the M/Monit status pages and some questions around starting | stopping binaries from within M/Monit. First, a quick background on my config:
I'm using M/Monit 2.0_beta6-linux-x64 with a pretty standard monitrc on the remote host (httpd, postgresql, mysql, filesystem, cpu, mem, etc.) except that I am monitoring extant custom processes for multiple virtual hosts. I'm using an include statement at the bottom of my monitrc that drops in the monitored services for each virtual host. A given include file looks something like this:
check process dev_bjs with pidfile /path/to/pid/custom_app.pid
start program = "/bin/su -c '/path/to/start/script start -d'" with timeout 60 seconds
stop program = "/bin/su -c '/path/to/start/script stop''"
if cpu > 15% for 2 cycles then alert
# if cpu > 80% for 5 cycles then restart
if totalmem > 2000.0 MB for 5 cycles then alert
if loadavg(5min) greater than 4 for 8 cycles then alert
group client_dev
The monitoring portion is running fine, no alerts yet (thankfully). Given that there are no alerts, is it normal that my custom Service Group ('client_dev') doesn't show up in the Service Group drop-down menu in the Events page? I'm almost tempted to force an alert just to see if it will show up but I figured I'd ask first ;)
Secondly, if you'll notice I am starting the program via "/bin/su -c '/path/to/start/script start -d'" with my /path/to/start/script being enclosed in single quotes. Is this correct syntax? Tempted to stop the process right now just to test but the site is under use as I type...
Any info / help is most greatly appreciated.