Hi, I'm using monit 5.10 on Centos 6.4.
I'm trying to check that a process is NOT running on a server.
If the process is running I need to stop it.
I've tried the following monit config:
# Push Notification - SHOULD NOT BE RUNNING
check process Push_Notification_Service
matching "push_notification.rb"
if exist then exec "/usr/local/monit-scripts/ruby-daemon.sh push_notification stop"
This generates a syntax error:
Starting monit: /etc/monit.d/must_not_be_running:3: syntax error 'exist'
Is what I'm trying to do possible?
For reference, here's the content of /usr/local/monit-scripts/ruby-daemon.sh
echo "Asking $1
for $2"
/var/www && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake
cd - > nul