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Re: https ssl test

From: Gerrit Kühn
Subject: Re: https ssl test
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 09:17:06 +0200

Am Wed, 29 May 2024 18:54:56 +0200
schrieb Jan-Henrik Haukeland <>:

> You must also tell Monit to connect using the Fully Qualified Domain
> Name (FQDN) as the address. Using ‘localhost’ or an IP-address here,
> won’t do. When you enable ssl.verify it simply means that Monit will
> check that the name of the host (given in address) is the same as the
> SSL certificate's common name.

Good point. I had intended to start with something "very simple" before
moving over to create templated checks via orchestration tools, but this
was obviously "too simple".

> Ps. To see more debug output, start monit with the -Iv options. 

I have added the correct dns names now:

check host nginx_conn with address removed-but-valid
  if failed port 443 protocol https and certificate valid > 30 days
    with ssl options { verify: enable }

However, looking into the debug output, I still get

Socket test failed for [ -- SSL server certificate
verification error: unable to get local issuer certificate 'nginx_conn'
failed protocol test [HTTP] at [removed-but-valid]:443
[TCP/IP TLS] -- SSL server certificate verification error: unable to get
local issuer certificate

Any ideas what I am still missing?


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