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Re: https ssl test

From: Gerrit Kühn
Subject: Re: https ssl test
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 16:35:08 +0200

Am Thu, 30 May 2024 15:19:00 +0200
schrieb Jan-Henrik Haukeland <>:

> The error message "SSL server certificate verification error: unable to
> get local issuer certificate" indicates that Monit is unable to verify
> the server's certificate because it does not have access to necessary
> intermediate or root certificates. Monit will try to read CA
> certificates etc from '/etc/ssl' (depending on the system and
> compile-time settings). 
> If you need to load certificates to form a chain from another path see
> and

Yes, I already tried that, but the error message does not go away. My
server certificate is under /usr/local/etc/ssl on FreeBSD, but even adding
the full path to monit didn't help. OTOH, I can access the nginx pages via
https with my browser just fine, so there should be no intermediate
certificates missing, I think?


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