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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #43113] Verticaly concatenating elements of ce

From: Philipp Kutin
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #43113] Verticaly concatenating elements of cell with empty cs-list gives error
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 12:41:00 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0


                 Summary: Verticaly concatenating elements of cell with empty
cs-list gives error
                 Project: GNU Octave
            Submitted by: pkutin
            Submitted on: Sun 31 Aug 2014 12:40:59 PM GMT
                Category: Interpreter
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                Priority: 5 - Normal
              Item Group: Matlab Compatibility
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
         Originator Name: 
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                 Release: dev
        Operating System: GNU/Linux



In MATLAB, the following is valid:

>> z = cell(5,4,3,0,2);
>> {1,2,3; 4,5,6; z{:}}
ans = 
    [1]    [2]    [3]
    [4]    [5]    [6]

As you can see, the cell array whose elements are unpacked doesn't even have
to have a size consistent with the target cell, such as 0-by-3 in the above
example. This makes sense, as that information presumably isn't present in a
cs-list any more.

In contrast, here's the current Octave behavior:

octave:1> z = cell(0,3);
octave:2> {1,2,3; 4,5,6; z{:}}
error: number of columns must match


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