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[Pan-devel] pan article group problem: demo example

From: Konrad Karl
Subject: [Pan-devel] pan article group problem: demo example
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 15:33:46 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/


pan-0.123 does not group the articles in the demo correctly.

I have crafted a very minimal perl news server in order to
provide an environment for testing. (error handling
is almost non-existent :-)

1. please put both and alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.classical
   (raw xover dump from giganews) somewhere and start

2. configure pan to use localhost and one connection only
   any username (e.g.abcde) and password will do.

3. fetch group list if not done automatically and fetch
   all headers for alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.classical.

result: the complete article group is not being put into
   one line in the header listing and not being recognized
   as complete.

it has something to do with the references in the 
xover data - I dont know the rules well enough but
am sure the experts will know immediately.

side note: while developing the small perl server I had
one stray \r character at the end of  one of the response
lines (sorry, forgot which one) and this let pan crash.

Best greetings

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