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[paragui-users] Re: paragui-users Digest, Vol 1, Issue 191

From: Peter Brezovan
Subject: [paragui-users] Re: paragui-users Digest, Vol 1, Issue 191
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 11:11:29 +0100

Hello paragui-users-request,

08 December, 2002, 12:37:21 PM, you wrote:

purno> Send paragui-users mailing list submissions to
purno>         address@hidden

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purno> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
purno> than "Re: Contents of paragui-users digest..."

purno> Today's Topics:

purno>    1. circle bounded widget (Holger Scherl)

purno> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

purno> Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 02:46:46 +0100
purno> From: address@hidden (Holger Scherl)
purno> To: address@hidden
purno> Subject: [paragui-users] circle bounded widget
purno> Message-ID: <address@hidden>
purno> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
purno> MIME-Version: 1.0
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purno> Precedence: list
purno> Reply-To: address@hidden
purno> Message: 1

purno> I need a widget in form of a circle which changes its image when you 
purno> move your mouse over it. The problem is that PG_Widget is in fact a 
purno> rectangle and not circle bounded. Therefore the widget already changes 
purno> when you move your mouse in the rectangle region although it should not!

purno> My idea to inherit from PG_Widget class and overwrite the AcceptEvent is 
purno> not practible because there I need access to my_internaldata.
purno> Unfortunately it is private in PG_Widget and not accessible in an 
purno> inherited class.

purno> Do you know a solution to my problem?

purno> Thanks,
purno> Holger.

purno> ------------------------------

purno> _______________________________________________
purno> paragui-users mailing list
purno> address@hidden

purno> End of paragui-users Digest, Vol 1, Issue 191
purno> *********************************************

I've already solved this problem in my application. I've created image
mask for widget and all you need to do is testing mouse mouse position
in this mask. If color under mouse (color in mask) is our maskcolor,
then generate event else forget it. Mask image must have size of
widget. I'll send you my modified code if you want to.

Best regards,
 Peter                            mailto:address@hidden

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