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[paragui-users] paragui newbie! (I this possible ?)

From: mb
Subject: [paragui-users] paragui newbie! (I this possible ?)
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2002 15:13:03 +0100 (CET)


First of. I hope that my question is fitting for this group. I browsed the 
archives and most of the questions seemed to be more advanced then mine. 
If there is a more fitting mailing list or newsgroup for my question, then 
don't hesitate to point me in that direction.

I have ofcause looked at the tutorials/tests, but I still need more help. 

My programming skills:
I'm a engineering student. I have good experince with Java. I have done 
some C programming, but mostly low level stuff (scheduling). I have never 
used C++, but have armed myself with a good C++ book. I will most likely 
learn the basic of C++ fast.  

My programming project:
I basicly want to make a special 'filebrowser'. It should be used for 
browsing mp3 files, with the ability to add to xmms's (and mayby 
winamps) playlist.

How the mp3 files are organised on my HD:
I have organised my mp3 files to suit my project. Its organized like this.

And this directory contains alle the mp3 of the album.

For example:
/path/to/jukebox/a/ABBA/Greatest\ Hits/

How the program should work.
There should be a main window like this:

|            |
| (content)  |
|            |

A,B,C.....Z should be buttons. If a button is clicked the content of that 
directory should be show in the (content) section (All the artists 
who's name starts with that letter). If a Artist is clicked then the 
albums(and the albums contents) of that artist should be showed in the 
(content) section. If a song is clicked then it should be added to the 
playlist (xmms -e songname).

How I could make this with paragui:
I plan to make 26 buttons (a to z) place them in the top of the 
(PG_Application) window. Below should the (content) section be. Mayby a 
PG_ColumnItem that can be updated with the content of the directory's ?
The contents of the directory could be listed with PG_Labels. There should 
be a (PG_ScrollBar) scrollbar if the listings (content) section is to big 

note: I DON'T want to open a new window each time a button is clicked. The 
(content) section should be cleared and updated.

Is it possible to detect clicks on a PG_Label ? (event)
Would be better to use PG_Buttons the PG_Labels ? Would the GUI be slow or 
ugly with the use of all those buttons ?
Are there Compounds that are better suided?

Please feel free to ask if some things in my discription are unclear. A 
point out of potential problems is also greatly appresiated. If the help 
contained link to a particular tutorial/test (or pseudo-code) I would be 
very happy :) But any help/info/pointer/links are greatly appreciated.


(I'm using Mandrake Linux 9.0 & paragui 1.0.2)

Btw: I know that there are alot of programs that is similar to what i 
want to make (no paragui one thou) but I really want to make my own 
program :)


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