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[paragui-users] sigh... vc question

From: Marsh Ray
Subject: [paragui-users] sigh... vc question
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 10:37:04 -0500

In "[paragui-users] sigh... vc question" you wrote:

> Okay, so when compiling paragui and other template
> apps, Visual C++ 6 decides to truncate the debugging
> info to 255 characters and warn us about it
> repeatedly.
> e:\visual studio\vc98\include\vector(39) : warning
> C4786: 'std::vector< blah blah blah blah blah >' :
> identifier was truncated to '255' characters in the
> debug information
> You can allegedly disable the warning using:
> #pragma warning( disable : 4786 )
> This doesn't seem to do anything.  Anyone know why?
> If someone can figure it out, we can add
> #ifdef _MSC_VER
> #pragma whatever it is
> #endif
> to paragui.h, for instance and get a clean compile
> under vc.

Try "#include <iostream>" after "#pragma warning( disable : 4786 )".
Don't ask me why it works.

Marsh Ray, Lead Systems Programmer
Barr Systems, Inc. < > 
352-491-3100     address@hidden

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