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Re: [Protux-devel] song tabs not showing sometimes

From: Luciano Giordana
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] song tabs not showing sometimes
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 12:10:16 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

There are open tasks for this (file TASKS) from a long time, nobody took them 

I will work on file browser/project manager soon, after the 0.17.0 fork

On Thursday 12 December 2002 02:00 pm, Fabio dos Santos wrote:
> Hi David,
> The error (with the Tabs that don't reopen) is an old Bug, that will
> only be fixed when we get the file/project manager working. For now, the
> solution is to either erase the protuxprojects dir, or save your project
> (using <FS> and clicking on Save)
> It should fix your problem.
> Actually, IMHO, the file/project manager should become a priority at
> this moment. I was surprised that now developers took it up yet, because
> I thought it wasn't that hard to implement something simple. But
> considering that Protux is already starting to be able to do Filters,
> and the basic Editing Commands are becoming more mature, its should be
> implemented ASAP, it will make Protux 200% more funcional.
> Fabio.

Luciano Giordana - Musician - Certified Java/GNU C++ Developer - Free Software 
Project Protux : Free Professional Audio Tools for GNU/Linux
-- Once Palladium is up and running , I will become a hacker --

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