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Re: [Protux-devel] ProjectManager: AudioSources

From: Luciano Giordana
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] ProjectManager: AudioSources
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 23:07:45 -0300
User-agent: KMail/1.5

> Usually, in sound programs, you are able to manage those 5 "takes"
> within the song's tracks, being able to both erase them from the
> harddrive, or change which take is played when you play back that song.
> (I think luciano is calling that Clips. Lets just call every time we
> record something a Clip, for the moment, unless someone defines the
> correct term.)

I defined this as "MultiTake" a long time ago, but never implemented it. :-(

The idea is this : you start a special recording session called multitake.
All the takes you do will be pushed into a stack, and you can even put a 
qualification to
each one of them. After making enough takes, you move forward. All takes will 
be living
in the same place in the track, and you can easy pull them down and switch to 
another one.
When rendering, protux will ask you to choose only one take, so you can make 
different tests
withou erasing them.
Think of multitake as a 3d space (from your eyes to the track) where you can 
put several audio takes
without spreading them around just to avoid erasing them.

> So in the FS, in general, is when you are going to manage those remaing
> Clips that will not be used. For that reason, IMHO, Delete should
> actually be called "Remove Clip", and then you'd have both "Remove Clip"
> and "Remove All Clips". They  both do basically same thing: they erase
> Clips recorded, EXCEPT the ones that are currently in a Protux Song.
> RCF.
> Fabio.
> PS: i'm not sure, but I think the correct terminology is actualy a Take.
> A Take would be every time you press the record button, and you have an
> audio file created.
> > "Remove all Clips": rename it in: Remove all audio sources?
> >                             Then the same rules as for "Delete"
> >
> > If there are more important thins, let me know or give some more
> > suggestion ;-)
> >
> > Remon
> >
> >
> >
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> > Protux-devel mailing list
> > address@hidden
> >

Best Regards
Luciano Giordana - Musician - Certified Java/GNU C++ Developer 
Free Software Evangelist - Project Mustux - Musician Tools for GNU/Linux
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