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Re: [Protux-devel] ProjectManager: AudioSources

From: booker
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] ProjectManager: AudioSources
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 00:31:13 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.5

Am Donnerstag, 25. September 2003 18:30 schrieb Remon Sijrier:
> Ah well, I'm getting more confused all over the time :-(
> So to try make things clear for myself, I summarize what I've done, and you
> guys can fill in the things which needs to be done, and how. (By the way,
> multi-take stacks? It's something protux doesn't support at the moment
> right?)


> -- "add as audioSource" -> RFC

Just imagine there is a piece of audio you want to add to your project, but 
right now you don't know exactly at which position in the project, so you add 
this audio just "as audioSource" for now.

> -- Implemented Pre-listen stuff.

I can't start play back, because of ...

*** Error in int Bus::open(int, int, int, bool, float)
Invalid mode for bus EMU10K1 - 1st OUT (hw:0,3) : 44100 Hz, 16 bits, MONO

*** Error in void* play_thread(void*)
Invalid playback bus

MADM detect just this:

[ --- Summary of all valid bus for this project ( 44100 Hz , STEREO, 16 bits 
--- ]
[          EMU10K1 - 2nd OUT (hw:0,0) ]
[          EMU10K1 - 3rd IN (hw:0,0) ]
[ --- Buses not listed on this summary will be disable for this project --- ]

So maybe there should be a way to told FS about this bus to be used?

> --"copy as" not implemented. (Do we need it?)

This should be used to back-up songs on another partition or machine ...

Aahh, btw ... I think it could be time to terminate clicks in <FS> , right? 
... same for <GP> too?
So play should be started by <SPACE> , a click is now ^B<SHIFT> (B means 
Button) , and so on ... RFC


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