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Re: [PATCH v3 12/12] ui/console: call gfx_switch() even if the current s

From: Akihiko Odaki
Subject: Re: [PATCH v3 12/12] ui/console: call gfx_switch() even if the current scanout is GL
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2022 17:05:39 +0900
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux aarch64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.5.0

On 2022/03/09 17:02, Marc-André Lureau wrote:

On Tue, Mar 8, 2022 at 6:43 PM Akihiko Odaki <akihiko.odaki@gmail.com <mailto:akihiko.odaki@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 2022/03/08 23:26, Marc-André Lureau wrote:
     > Hi
     > On Mon, Mar 7, 2022 at 4:49 PM Akihiko Odaki
    <akihiko.odaki@gmail.com <mailto:akihiko.odaki@gmail.com>> wrote:
     > (taking notes, mostly for myself)
     >>> Could you provide a failing test case or a more concrete
    suggestion on
     >>> what to do instead? I am all ears :)
     >>> thanks
     >> Let me describe a more concrete case. Think that egl-headless
    and vnc
     >> are enabled. The guest devices are serial virtio-gpu-gl. vnc selects
     >> serial at first.
     > (I am not sure how you would select serial first, but let's
    assume you did)
     >> vnc uses register_displaychangelistener and console_select to switch
     >> consoles.
     >> displaychangelistener_display_console does the actual switching, and
     >> calls dpy_gfx_switch and dpy_gfx_update if con->scanout.kind is
     >> SCANOUT_SURFACE. It calls dpy_gl_scanout_texture or
     >> dpy_gl_scanout_dmabuf if con->scanout.kind is SCANOUT_TEXTURE or
     >> SCANOUT_DMABUF. It works for a OpenGL display, but it doesn't vnc in
     >> combination with egl-headless.
     > (hmm, what doesn't work? With this patch, the DisplaySurface is
     > switched, no matter what con->scanout.kind is)
     >> virtio-gpu-gl starts scanning out texture. It would happen in the
     >> following sequence:
     >> 1. virtio-gpu-gl calls qemu_console_resize. con->scanout.kind
    will be
     >> 2. qemu_console_resize calls dpy_gfx_switch, delivering
     >> to egl-headless. con->scanout.kind will be SCANOUT_TEXTURE.
     > (qemu_console_resize calls dpy_gfx_replace_surface. con.scanout.kind
     > is still SCANOUT_SURFACE)
     > (It calls displaychangelistener_gfx_switch() which will call
     > egl_gfx_switch() and update the current surface)
     >> 3. virtio-gpu-gl calls dpy_gl_scanout_texture. egl-headless starts
     >> rendering the texture to the DisplaySurface.
     > (now con.scanout.kind becomes SCANOUT_TEXTURE)
     >> In the end, the DisplaySurface will have the image rendered, and
     >> con->scanout.kind will be SCANOUT_TEXTURE.
     > (so far it works as expected, right?)
     >> Now vnc switches to virtio-gpu-gl.
     >> 4. vnc calls console_select
     >> 5. displaychangelistener_display_console finds con->scanout.kind is
     >> SCANOUT_TEXTURE so it tries to scanout texture, but vnc is not
    an OpenGL
     >> display. It essentially becomes no-op and the display would be
     >> This patch will change it to call dpy_gfx_switch but not to call
     >> dpy_gfx_update.
     > Alright, I think I see what you mean. egl-headless is associated with
     > a specific con, and thus is not involved during vnc console
     > However, dpy_gfx_switch on vnc is not a no-op. It updates the
     > resize the client and mark the area dirty. Because the con.surface is
     > kept updated by egl-headless, the client gets the updated content.
     > Iow, it still works.
     > If we always called dpy_gfx_update() during
     > displaychangelistener_display_console(), it would mean for the
     > listener to display the surface content, even when the scanout
    kind is
     > set for a texture. Or we need to change the behaviour of
     > dpy_gfx_update() to depend on the current scanout kind.

    vnc has to display the surface content so dpy_gfx_update should be
    called for vnc, but not for OpenGL displays.

VNC already marks the whole surface as dirty during vnc_dpy_switch(). This is like calling dpy_gfx_update().

Then why does it call dpy_gfx_update for SCANOUT_SURFACE first place? It shouldn't call the function if it is not required to display the surface content.

Akihiko Odaki

Marc-André Lureau

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