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Re: [PATCH v4 0/7] util: Introduce qemu_get_runtime_dir()

From: Michael Tokarev
Subject: Re: [PATCH v4 0/7] util: Introduce qemu_get_runtime_dir()
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 11:06:57 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

16.07.2024 10:27, Akihiko Odaki wrote:
qemu_get_runtime_dir() returns a dynamically allocated directory path
that is appropriate for storing runtime files. It corresponds to "run"
directory in Unix.

Since runtime dir is always used with a filename within, how about

  char *qemu_get_runtime_path(const char *filename)

which return RUNTIME_DIR/filename instead of just RUNTIME_DIR ?



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