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Re: [RFC 06/13] rust: add bindings for memattrs

From: Richard Henderson
Subject: Re: [RFC 06/13] rust: add bindings for memattrs
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2024 17:51:42 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 12/5/24 12:30, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
On 12/5/24 19:15, Richard Henderson wrote:
On 12/5/24 00:07, Zhao Liu wrote:
The MemTxAttrs structure is composed of bitfield members, and bindgen is
unable to generate an equivalent macro definition for

I'm happy to move away from bit fields to uint32_t or suchlike to enable MEMTXATTRS_UNSPECIFIED be a compile-time constant.

Yeah, if we go from

typedef struct MemTxAttrs {
     unsigned int unspecified:1;
     unsigned int secure:1;
     unsigned int space:2;
     unsigned int user:1;
     unsigned int memory:1;
     unsigned int requester_id:16;
     unsigned int pid:8;
} MemTxAttrs;


typedef struct MemTxAttrs {
     uint8_t unspecified;
     uint8_t secure;
     uint8_t space;
     uint8_t user;
     uint8_t memory;
     uint8_t pid;
     uint16_t requester_id;
} MemTxAttrs;

is still decently packed and simplifies things a lot.  Zhao, can you submit that as an independent patch?
Hmm. I'd been thinking of uint32_t and hw/registerfields.h, but I have not scoped the size of that conversion.

But short of that, please use 'bool' not 'uint8_t' for those single-bit flags.


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