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[PATCH 00/11] usb/msd: Permit relaxed ordering of IN packets

From: Nicholas Piggin
Subject: [PATCH 00/11] usb/msd: Permit relaxed ordering of IN packets
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 19:13:11 +1000

This series ultimately permits relaxed ordering of USB mass-storage
packets from the host, as allowed by the usbmassbulk 1.0 spec, but
not usually seen in drivers. AIX drivers do require this ordering.

The RFC unsurprisingly had no comments, it wasn't polished well so
don't bother to look at it. This one I tried to split it up nicely,
add some improvements that help readability and robustness first.
Importantly I kept vmstate compatibility here and didn't do a big
rip up of the whole model but managed to find a nice way to fit it
in the existing design, and I think the end result is just as good
or better.


Nicholas Piggin (11):
  usb/msd: Add status to usb_msd_packet_complete() function
  usb/msd: Split in and out packet handling
  usb/msd: Ensure packet structure layout is correct
  usb/msd: Improved handling of mass storage reset
  usb/msd: Improve packet validation error logging
  usb/msd: Allow CBW packet size greater than 31
  usb/msd: Split async packet tracking into data and csw
  usb/msd: Add some additional assertions
  usb/msd: Rename mode to cbw_state, and tweak names
  usb/msd: Permit a DATA-IN or CSW packet before CBW packet
  usb/msd: Add more tracing

 include/hw/usb/msd.h |  18 +-
 hw/usb/dev-storage.c | 517 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 hw/usb/trace-events  |   9 +-
 3 files changed, 360 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)


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