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Re: [Quilt-dev] [patch] Quilt support for committing patches to CVS.

From: Joe Green
Subject: Re: [Quilt-dev] [patch] Quilt support for committing patches to CVS.
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 23:23:57 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.2 (Windows/20040707)

Jason M. Felice wrote:
I contribute to some OSS projects that use CVS and I use
CVS internally at my company, but I much prefer
patches-as-first-class-objects.  So I use quilt to work on my changes on
the CVS repository, and I make certain that I don't "cvs add" new files,
or "cvs remove" files I delete (after all, I might shelve a patch to
work on something else, mail that patch for review, work on a third
thing and commit that).  The idea is that quilt does all the work to get
the patch into the repository the right way.

Yes, I understand this need. For some time I've had scripts to help me do this. e.g. I use patch directly to apply the changes, and I have a script that reads the patch and generates appropriate cvs add/edit/remove commands.

I use quilt to manage patches as first-class objects as you say, so I implemented the CVS support to manage the patches and series files.

Joe Green <address@hidden>
MontaVista Software, Inc.

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