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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Should we put up a maintenance page?

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Should we put up a maintenance page?
Date: Sat, 7 May 2016 17:53:50 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.6.0 (2016-04-01)

Bob Proulx wrote:
> The problem on vcs I haven't concluded upon yet.  I stopped the mta so
> that mail would queue (can look in the mail queue for it) without
> delivery so that it won't be delivered incorrectly.  In the last hour
> there are now 49 messages queued.  I think I can fix the config there
> and then start the mta up and all will be processed as it should be.
> I continue to work on vcs.

I think I have vcs sorted out.  Good enough for the rest of the
weekend.  I modified the /etc/email-addresses file that is currently
produced by sv_aliases every ten minutes and set it up as an outgoing
canonical map for postfix.  This is a one-off and not a long term

I commented out sv_aliases on both vcs and internal so that it would
stop producing noise by cron email about duplicated webmaster
addresses.  I commented out the undesired webmaster address from the
/etc/alisaes file on both.  That problem remains to be solved later.
I browse the /var/log/mail.log flie and observe that new mail is
getting mapped correctly.  I am not positive that the previously
queued messages were mapped correctly but new messages are.  There may
be some lingering fallout in the mailing lists for commit messages.  I
will check those next.

I think things are good to hold through the rest of the weekend.


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