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[skribilo-users] (no subject)

From: Klaus Schilling
Subject: [skribilo-users] (no subject)
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2012 08:55:47 +0100 (CET)

Dear Mr. Cortes,

the footnote problem still persists in 0.9.2.

If there are several chapters in a document, only the footnotes of the
last chapter get actually displayed.

If there is a chapter containing a section, skribilo exits prematurely
with an error in

src/guile/skribilo/engine/html.scm, line 1212. Note that this error

occurs whether there are actually footnotes in the document ot not. A
document as simple as 

(document (chapter (section "")))

is enough to produce that bug.

This block of code is probably the culprit:

(ftnote (new markup
             (markup '&html-footnotes)
                     (ident (string-append id "-footnote"))
                     (class (markup-class n))
                     (parent n)

                      ;; Collect the footnotes of all the
                     sub-containers that
                      ;; are to be output in the same file.
                      (let ((subsections
                             (find-down (lambda (s)
                                          (section-in-current-file? s
                         (let loop ((subsections (cons n subsections))
                                    (footnotes   '()))
                           (cond ((pair? subsections)
                                  (fold loop footnotes subsections))
                                 ((null? subsections)
                                  (container-env-get subsections

More precisely, if there is a chapter with a section, the argument
given to `reverse' evaluates to `#f', which is of course not a valid
argument for `reverse'.

Unfortunately, I don't quite understand what is going on inside the
recursion within the `cond' expression. There seem to be several way
how the recursion may terminate, and I don't see which of them yields
the obnoxious '#f". The definition of container-env-get looks

(define (container-env-get m key)
  (let ((c (assq key (slot-ref m 'env))))
    (and (pair? c) (cadr c))))

So if (slot-ref subsections 'env) evaluates to an association list
that holds no key equal to 'footnote-env, or the associated value's
car is #f, the whole `cond' block returns #f and can't be passed to

And the definition of the section markup reads:

(define-markup (section :rest
                        (ident #f) (class "section")
                        title info-node (file #f) (toc #t) (number
   (new container
      (markup 'section)
      (ident (or ident (symbol->string (gensym "section"))))
      (class class)
      (loc   &invocation-location)
      (required-options '(:title :toc :file :toc :number))
      (options `((:number ,(section-number number 'section))
                 (:toc ,toc)
                 ,@(the-options opts :ident :class)))
      (body (the-body opts))
      (env (if file
               (list (list 'subsection-counter 0) (list
                        'subsection-env '())
                     (list 'footnote-counter 0) (list 'footnote-env
               (list (list 'subsection-counter 0) (list
                        'subsection-env '()))))))

So unless :file is #t, the env slot does not contain a 'footnote-env key.

The forgotten footnotes in sample code like

(document (chapter (footnote "foo"))(chapter (footnote "bar")))

are easier to explain, I guess. The `else' clause in the `cond' block
ignores the variable `footnotes' completely, and thus any already
accumulated footnotes are forgotten. Maybe it should read

(else (append (container-env-get subsections 'footnote-env) footnotes))


          Klaus Schilling

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