On 2 January 2013 21:32, hellekin (GNU Consensus)
<address@hidden> wrote:
On 01/02/2013 04:48 PM, Rob Myers wrote:
> Coding for N different protocols on N different servers is not a better
> use of time than just building support for the leading protocol.
*** I agree that OStatus has a hand in the game, and it's mentioned in
the GNU/consensus manifesto as the main protocol to follow. But I
disagree that the leadership position is enough to ignore other
Tent.io, to mention only one, seems promising. OStatus itself is a set
of protocols to solve a number of issues, and could as well integrate
new ones. Consider SMTP, IRC, and XMPP: they all do some sort of
federation. There is no single truth, and not considering diversity
won't lead anywhere, IMO.
Yes, exactly!