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IP based access control to milters

From: Gustavo Chaves
Subject: IP based access control to milters
Date: 30 Oct 2002 12:39:29 -0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1


Please, tell me if this isn't the right forum to discuss this topic.
(Preferably with a link to the right place.)

I'm using spamass-milter-0.1.2 to filter messages in our mail hub.
However, since we use the same server for incoming and outgoing
messages the milter is processing the outgoing messages and I don't
want that.

I thought there should be a way to configure the invokation of a
particular milter in the file based on the IP address or
domain name of the relay from which the message is coming but I
couldn't find how to do it.

Another solution would be to implement the check in the mlfi_connect
routine of the milter itself.  I implemented this in spamass-milter
and it's working but I'd like to know if there's a better way to do

In addition to that, there's something I couldn't grasp from the
documentation I've read.  If you have two or more milters registered
and the first one returns SMFIS_ACCEPT from its mlfi_connect callback
does this mean that only this particular milter wouldn't take part on
the process or every milter down the queue would be skipped also?

Because, if the SMFIS_ACCEPT stops all milter processing I could
implement the mlfi_connect logic in a separate milter that would be
called first.


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