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Re: Debian spamass-milt help needed

From: Derek J. Balling
Subject: Re: Debian spamass-milt help needed
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 12:20:47 -0400

On Wednesday, May 21, 2003, at 11:45  AM, Dan Nelson wrote:
* Remove -u nobody from spamd.  The daemon will run as root.  Children
  will setuid() themselves to the appropriate userid when processing

Worked like a champ. Thanks!

Now, I know this is a FAQ, but I notice that when mail comes into an alias (say "address@hidden", my Yahoo!Groups alias), it can't find /home/egroups/.spamassassin.

Now, my question is this: Does the client (in this case, spamass-milter) tell spamd who to setuid() to, or does spamd try to determine that on its own?

Because if the client tells spamd who to become, it seems like it would be trivial to read the {rcpt_addr} macro, which already has all virtusertable lookups, etc., nonsense done. The only thing that you would do at that point is parse /etc/mail/aliases to map {rcpt_addr}->username (if needed), and then you could setuid() to the proper user, for their personal preferences, etc.

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