In the last episode (Sep 22), Joe Maimon said:
Joe Maimon wrote:
Joe Maimon wrote:
This patch adds command line argument -R which accepts as an
argument a program that will be called with a parameter of
recpient email adrress, once per recipient. (Yes i know, not the
most resource cheap way) When the program exits, the exit code of
0 is taken to mean "filtered successfully". If there are no
un-filtered recipients, spamass-milter will return to sendmail a
SMFIS_ACCEPT at the start of mlfi_header.
Untested caveat:
When a message with a filtered and unfiltered recpients is processed,
the -r switch may cause a reject, which is probably not what the
filtered recipient wanted.
Possible solutions to this
-- negate the -r when there are some filtered rcpts
-- successfully deliver the message only to the filtered rcpts.
Without the -r flag, the filtered recipient gets the benefits of the
SA headers with no real extra burden on the server.
I think option 1 is the easiest. The unfiltered recipients get more
spam, but hopefully not by much. Option 2 would require that you keep
track of the unfiltered users and delrcpt() them (or alternately, keep
track of the filtered ones, reject the original mail and use the
spambucket code to spawn a new message with just the filtered