In the last episode (Sep 22), Joe Maimon said:
Dan Nelson wrote:
But it doesn't inject via SMTP; it execs sendmail directly, which
means that the milter shouldn't get called (since milters only
process SMTP traffic).
sendmail 8.12+ default MoOperation is to have the "submit" sendmail
submit the email to the local/central daemon for delivery, or in the
event the local/central daemon is down to queue it up into the
submit-queue a.k.a the client-mqueue for more attempts later.
I forgot about that. You're right. I don't use -bB and don't have any
local users on my mailserver, so I rarely see locally-generated mail.
It does not appear to be infinite, based on what has hit the spambucket
and the postmaster from the double-bounces....but its a fairly large
Yeah, sendmail counts the Received: headers and aborts if it sees
MaxHopCount of them in a message.
I'm open to suggestions here; my best idea is add the ability to
specify a range of scores that each flag applies to. So something
-B ">0<5 address@hidden"
-b ">=5<20 address@hidden"
-r ">=20<50 Almost certainly spam. Go away plzkthx"
which will cause a bcc to one address at low scores, a full redirect to
another at medium scores, and a bounce with a custom message at really
high scores.
I have been experimenting with an -a switch (for what to do with a -r
switch _and_ a -B switch)
snippet from my patch
cout << " -a -1|num|0: bucket all spam, bucket spam scoring higher
than num" << endl;
cout << " or bucket all spam that does not get
rejected." << endl;
with 0 being the default in my patch..
I'd rather embed this in the -bBr flags if possible. The combination
of -B, -a, and -r is getting complex and still won't cover all the
cases I'm sure someone will ask about after it gets committed :)