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Re: [Tlf-devel] Improved keyboard handling

From: Ervin Hegedüs
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Improved keyboard handling
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 17:40:08 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Hi Nate,

On Sun, Jan 03, 2016 at 09:42:14PM -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> After much study and searching and playing around, writing and testing
> code, and learning just how much difference there is between terminal
> emulators (and I've hardly scratched the surface), I am attaching two
> files for your testing pleasure.  ;-)
thanks for your test :),

> The idea is to enable Ncurses keypad mode and utilize the constants that
> keyname() recognizes as much as possible.  The new-onechar.c file is
> essentially a reworked copy of ui_utils.c that can be compiled with the
> following command:
>     gcc -o new-onechar -lncurses new-onechar.c

just a short remark: I can compile it with this command:

      gcc -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -o new-onechar new-onechar.c -lncurses 

so, the necessary library must be the last argument in case of my
GCC (gcc version 4.8.4 (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04))

> Before that I would like to hear back from others who will test this on
> various terminals and report back any unrecognized keys and their key
> codes as shown by 'showkey -a'.

here are some results from my Linux Mint:

a        97 0141 0x61
A        65 0101 0x41
^A        1 0001 0x01    # CTRL+a
^[a      27 0033 0x1b    # left ALT+a
         97 0141 0x61
ä       195 0303 0xc3    # right ALT+a
        164 0244 0xa4

Escape delay time is: 25 mS
Ordinal: 97             Name: a
Ordinal: 65             Name: A
Ordinal: 1              Name: ^A
Ordinal: 225            Name: M-a
Ordinal: 228            Name: M-d

Mate terminal
a        97 0141 0x61
A        65 0101 0x41
^A        1 0001 0x01
^[a      27 0033 0x1b
         97 0141 0x61
ä       195 0303 0xc3
        164 0244 0xa4

Escape delay time is: 25 mS
Ordinal: 97             Name: a
Ordinal: 65             Name: A
Ordinal: 1              Name: ^A
Ordinal: 225            Name: M-a
Ordinal: 228            Name: M-d

Note, that in most cases in my work, I preffer the rxvt-unicode,
but that not supports some special keys in Tlf - therefore I use
Gnome terminal or Mate for Tlf. (And as I remembe, on my
home-machine there is Lxc-terminal, or some kind of like this.)

Now only these two "new" terminals what I have, which doesn't
exist in your list.

Hope this helps to you,

73, Ervin

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